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Mtn Dew Review

My opinion on the soda's caffeine content and affects.

This past week, I have been very busy with homecoming activities and work. After a long week, I began my workday on Monday. I was exhausted from the busy weekend, and needed a pickup to stay energized at work.

I picked up a Mtn Dew Code Red and started my drive to work. This is the cheapest caffeine option for me. One 20oz bottle costs only $1.99. Compared to the other drinks I drink, coffee and monster, Mtn Dew is significantly cheaper.

Although cheaper, the caffeine content in Mtn Dew is less. Mtn Dew only has 55mg of caffeine compared to the normal 60mg in coffee and 250mg in monster. The cheaper cost is a benefit, but the drink lacks caffeine.

Mtn Dew comes in a variety of flavors. This is a good option if you're looking for a good flavored drink. My favorite flavors are Code Red, Voltage, and the Taco Bell exclusive, Baja Blast.

This drink is a good choice, but I often prefer coffee or monster instead. Soda often leaves me feeling sluggish even though it has caffeine. The carbonation makes me feel bloated. I do not choose this drink often, but when I do it never disappoints.

After drinking the Mtn Dew, I was energetic and efficient at work. The caffeine only lasted about four hours, but that was perfect for my afternoon shift. Mtn Dew is my go-to drink when I feel I only need a small amount of caffeine.

The benefits of this drink include hydration, increased memory, and better physical performance. This is a result of the effects caffeine has on your body. Because the caffeine content is low, more hydration is provided through water in the soda. The increased memory is from the increased alertness and awareness. The physical performance results from the increased excitement of the body systems.

I normally do not feel these affects, sometimes only in moderation. Most of the time, I do not notice anything except the physical performance increase. These are very good benefits that can be helpful when busy for a night or day.

Mtn Dew also offers energy drinks, these seem to have similar effects as Mtn Dew. These Mtn Dew Kickstarts cost more than both coffee and regular mtn dew. Personally I don't think these energy drinks are worth their cost. They do not have as much caffeine or taste as good as a Monster energy drink.

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