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Iced Tea: Is it more than just tasty?

On Wednesday, I went out for lunch and decided to get an iced tea. I have been considering including this drink in my blog but did not know if it would relate. Surprisingly, iced tea does have caffeine in it. I have not noticed the effects of iced tea when drinking it in the past, but after carefully observing, I discovered its impact.

There is not much caffeine, only 47mg, while this might not seem like a lot, it is approximately the same as a cup of coffee. For those who are just beginning to drink caffeine, iced tea is a great starter.

After adding sugar to my iced tea, I drank it with my lunch. Because I drink caffeine often I did experience observable effects of the caffeine. Although between the iced tea and lunch, my mood was improved. The taste of iced tea is not for everyone though. Without sugar it is bitter and somewhat savory. I prefer my tea sweet therefore I added two packets of Equal, my go-to sugar substitute. Overall I believe iced tea is more of a tasty beverage rather than a primary source of caffeine.

For those who love the taste of iced tea, but need a larger kick of caffeine, there are alternative options. Some of these options include energy drinks such as Bang and Monster. I have reviewed these before, but recently discovered they have classic flavors such as coffee, mocha, and iced tea.

Bang has three tea-flavored drinks, Georgia Peach, Lemon Drop, and Sweet Ice Tea. The price, $3 and flavors add a better alternative to iced tea. have not tried these, but I believe they would be tasty and I look forward to possibly reviewing them in the future.

Monster also has three flavors, tea-lemonade, raspberry tea, and peach tea. I have tried the tea-lemonade flavor and it is very good. For a higher price, around $3, these classic flavors provide the best of both worlds when it comes to iced tea and energy.

Overall, iced tea tastes great, but it is simply not enough caffeine for me. I recommend iced tea to those hoping to begin their caffeine usage. For those who are like me and need a greater kick, I recommend trying alternatives such as the monster and bang iced tea-flavored energy drinks.

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